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The problem of evil in the “best” world created by a powerful, loving, knowing and omnipotent God. Actually is unfathomable to the human mind and enigma to human existence. Is God responsible for evil in the world? Shouldn´t He have prevented it, if He is all-powerful, all-presence, and all-knowing? How should the problem of evil be handled by us: through denial, rejection or doubt of the existence and presence of all-powerful, all-loving, all-knowing and all-presence God?  Goodness overcomes evil if we make the conscious effort to be good.


The readings of this Sunday invite us to ask for the wisdom from above in order to understand the problem of evil that perturbs all of us. Evil in us, in others and in the world are consequences of our personal or collective actions or choices. God always respects our free will, freedom, decision, and choice to be either good or bad. Hence, we are challenged by the parables of the mustard seed and yeast that through our personal or collective effort to be good in our own little or insignificant corners of life. Evil can be minimized, if not eradicated.


The author of the Book of Wisdom 12:13, 16-19, amidst many perturbing questions of life, assures us that because God is all-powerful. He is also all-knowing, all-presence, and all-loving. He governs the world with patience, allowing time for repentance. Evil, then, is never and will never be an attribute of God.

St. Paul in Romans 8:26-27, gives us one of the most profound and concrete answers to the problem of evil. For this reason, amidst our struggles with prayers, disappointments, pains and the seeming absence of God in our lives or situations. The Holy Spirit prays for us and with us beyond expressive words because He knows the depth of God.

In the Gospel of Matthew 13:24- 43, Jesus uses a lot of parables to teach and communicate to the deepest truth of God, life and the world to us namely:


1. God is all-loving, all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-presence at every given moment with no alteration or shady of evil.

2. God is not absolutely responsible for evil, wickedness or pains in our lives, in others or in the world.

3. The act of doing evil by sowing weeds in someone´s field is not imaginative. It is our real-life experience when hatred, jealousy, envy, strife, and wickedness drive our hearts. Especially, in our words and actions to defame other´s character or personality, lie, abuse, denial justice, steal, covert properties, and etc.


4. It teaches us that there is always a hostile power in us, in others and the world. that seeks and waits to destroy the seed of goodness and grace in us and in the world.

5. It teaches us how hard it is to distinguish between those who are in the Kingdom and those who are not. A man may appear to be good and may, in fact, be bad. Another man may appear to be bad and may yet be good. We are much too quick to classify people and label them good or bad without knowing all the facts about them.


6. The presence of evil and wickedness is a consequence of our personal or collective free will, freedom, or choice. There is divine justice for every thought, word and action whether good or bad.

7. With God, there is only patience, mercy and grace to repent of all evil-doings or inclinations. There is no place to control evil with evil. Hence, the age-long tactics of men: inquisitions, ex-communications or anathemas in the name of curbing evil in us, the Church or the world is outdated. God does not need us to do his bidding or presume his intention. He gives ample time, grace, patience and mercy to all to repent.


8. However, our personal or collective efforts or actions of goodness no matter how small or insignificant they are. They can and will make a big difference. When it comes to fighting the presence of evil and wickedness. As well as transforming the world into a better place for all.

9.  Our humanized and fraternized small efforts for God´s project among us is a better propagative way of God´s kingdom among us. Rather than the powerful, authoritative, imposed, or feared institutions or personalities.  That act with evils in the name of God´s will or intentions.

10. The concrete human efforts that lead to goodness, change, reformation, transformation or revolution begin with one person. No matter how small and insignificant things or ways it may be, before involving many or becoming big.


Lord Jesus Christ, You are the God of mercy and compassion, rich in mercy, generous in forgiving and reluctance in punishment. You do not repay or punish us according to our sins or wrong-doings. Teach us to know, appreciate and live within your grace, mercy and wisdom in order to practice goodness and limit evil in us and in the world. Amen.

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