There is no time more appropriate to consecrate ourselves to the patronage of Mary more than the beginning of a new start of the year.
There is no time more appropriate to consecrate ourselves to the patronage of Mary more than the beginning of a new start of the year.
The feast of Christmas is a celebration of a family. A holy family model of all families that is a shining example to all human families.
Christ is Christmas! Christmas is one of the most celebrated feasts of Christendom and indeed in the whole wide world. It is a feast the changes the human history forever. A feast and a celebration of Jesus Christ at the centre of it.
Christmas is a feast of God´s love for falling humanity and his abundant grace to raise us up. It is a feast of restoration of falling humanity through Christ Jesus.
It is derived from the original Latin text of the entrance antiphon of the today Eucharist celebration: “Gaudete in Domino Semper” which means–“Rejoice in the Lord always.” This changes radically the tone of our Advent celebration and preparation for the Coming our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
There is a concept of “homecoming” or “coming home” with regard to Christmas. It is a homecoming celebration of the Son of God, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Advent a moment of grace to be awake while waiting. It is a new season of waiting, preparing and being alert for the coming of the Lord.
The Christian life is all about whatever we do or fail to do to the least of our needy brothers and sisters. Hence. the feast of Christ the King is a renewal of our loyalty to Jesus our Saviour, our Lord and our King.
There is a call for preparedness of the end of time. A moment of accountability for our Christian stewardship. And also a moment of evaluation to what direction our lives have been since the beginning of the liturgical year.
We need the hope of preparedness through the Spirit of God. This is why we need the Wisdom of God that enlightens, illuminates and guides us in life and in death to the salvation in Christ Jesus.