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When Christ said, “Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth?  No….” (Mt. 10:34)  “… I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” (Lk.12:49). They are statements of fact that truly Christian life can never be one of comfortability or convenience. Especially, one with an ardent passion for the truth of God´s word. The Word of God is like a two-edged sword, it is piercing, fiery, burning, and uncontrollable. In this way, bearing true testimony to the gospel entails the Christian sufferings and self- renunciation through the cross.


There is a quote that says: “Jesus was never a nice guy, but a good guy”. He is a guy who stands for the truth without fear or favour of anyone irrespective of their titles, status, ages, or authority. Hence, his lifestyle, his message, and his actions were revolutionary that fascinate, magnate, and captivate many authentic followers. At the same time provoke anger, bitterness, and hatred in many others against him.


The readings of this Sunday remind us of the Christian suffering, sacrifice, and self-renunciation that come with an authentic witness to Christ. The burning passion for the Word of God. Equally, there is no easy or shortcut way to glory in the Christian life.  And the same is true for our daily life as humans. Each day life presents us with numerous and challenging tasks.



The Prophet Jeremiah is known as the prophet of doom. As a result of his preaching God´s wrath and punishment to the people of Israel. Even though he was enticed by the beauty of God´s word and his lovely presence.  He could not escape the difficulties that this commitment invoked. A true prophet cannot stop the burning passion or zeal for the word of God. What´s more, in spite of the bitter and painful experience, he must speak out without favour or fear of the hard truth.

Psalm 62: 2-3 articulates “O God, you are my God, for you I long; for you my soul is thirsting. My body pines for you like a dry, weary land without water.” This is the true longing and feeling of an honest, sincere and true seeker of God. The disposition of a true Christian heart of God´s word, and its truth.


Although a very short and direct reading to the point, St. Paul admonishes the Roman Christians and indeed all of us in the world not to be conformed to the worldly standard or watered down the Christian principles.  For worldly social conventions but to be transformed and renewed in body, mind, and spirit.  As well as living a spiritual, holy, living sacrifice good, acceptable and perfect to God. A true Christian cannot live a doubled standard life.


The gospel text of this Sunday Matthew 16 is the continuation of last Sunday text and it invites to reflect on the true messianic nature of Christ.


a.       The idea of a Messiah powerful, glorious and conqueror did not align with the idea of suffering Messiah- One who is connected to a cross: a defeat and death.  For Jesus´ disciples and expecting the Jewish nation, it is a disappointing image.

b.      First, after the confession and profession of revealed truth to Peter and Jesus´ empowerment of Peter and all who believe this messianic revelation. Jesus´ call to be silent on his messiahship creates ambiguity and misinterpretation to the messianic secret. A truth anyone must discover in order to follow him unwaveringly.


c.     Peter and the disciples thought of Christ: as the conquering Messiah or a warrior king. One who would sweep the Romans from Palestine and lead Israel to power. When, in fact, the way of the cross, sufferings and self-renunciation was Christ way of demonstrating he is the Messiah and the Son of God.

d.     Jesus suffering pains and deaths like Jeremiah in the hands of the orthodox religious leaders like elders, high priests, scribes, Sadducees and Pharisees. Indeed, presents us with a bizarre, ironical, bitter and tragic truth of modern Christian life. Where Christians and their religious authorities are the greatest obstacles to the truth. And sadly they are the ones who inflict pains and sufferings on true Christian believers for their uncompromising stand for the truth. Certainly, as their authentic lifestyle challenges the existing status quo and unfairness in the religious system.


e.     Peter´s appealing niceties to Christ´s sufferings and death, the Ultimate Will of the Father for Jesus´ salvific act was a satanic persuasion. It is fundamentally an act of false sympathy against the salvation of all.  Today, when a gospel of prosperity is preached denying the cross.  This denial attitude of many pastors and religious leaders to bring people to accept, live with or through their suffering crucibles of life. In other to experience transforming and redeeming heroic life of Christian virtues in truth, peace and integrity is the greatest obstacle against a fulfilling Christian life.


f.       Peter was called Satan by Jesus, not in a derogative sense. Satan literally means the Adversary. That is why he refers to Peter’s ideas were not God’s but men’s. Satan is any force which seeks to deflect us from the way of God. Satan is any influence which seeks to make us turn back from the hard way that God has set before us. Similarly too, Satan is any power which seeks to make human desires take the place of the divine imperative.


Lord Jesus Christ, your suffering, sacrifice and self-renunciation are the deepest challenges to the Christian life. As authentic testimony to the truth and the word of God requires the daily forbearance of the cross.  Help us to burn with fieriness for the truth and your Word without compromising them for the earthly standard self-seeking. Amen.

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