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The Christian life faces an imminent threat from within that is responsible for Christian suffering in modern times. The mentality of trivializing the Christian testimony concerning suffering. This is so prevalent among the clergy, religious as well as the laity of our time. This mediocrity is a bandwagon mentality of many who seem to settle for the less authentic Christian life. 


A mentality of the sprout bastardization of the biblical stands on many contemporary issues plaguing the Christian life in the world. The rationalization and watering down of Christian values to suit or conform to the worldly standard. This is the cause of Christian suffering today. 

The name-calling or name tagging of those who defended the biblical and gospel values of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. As archaic people who are out of touch with contemporary reality or incomprehensive individuals. They are called names and seen as impossible people to deal with. And there are every conscious and systematic effort to edge them out of the way. 


These mediocrity individuals are the powerful and influential individuals who use their power and authority to define the norms for ecclesiastic, religious or Christian life. They branded, side-lined, silenced or persecuted any contrary voices to the stand. 

The difference in opinion and stand is called rebellion. The individuality of personality is perpetuating as individualism. Equally, an individual with a unique difference is painted as the black sheep of the Christian Church, the congregation or the community. 

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For many of them, uniformity and conformity is the mark of true discipleship. As diversity or individual stand are classify defiance to the gospel of sameness instead of the uniqueness of the individual in Christ. 

Sad enough, these powerful and influential individuals use enablers of higher ecclesiastical authority to perpetuate their evil, use and abuses in the name of God. Sometimes, they used “flying monkeys”. These are innocents, co-dependents, or narcissistic individuals whom religiously conscious leaders or associates used to do the dirty work. They used them to attack, fight or smear campaigns against honest, truthful and integrity personalities who stand in their way. 

The bitter hard truth is that, as far as these sycophantic individuals have power or authority to manipulate or control religious affairs. The Christian Church, congregation or community will never know peace, justice and truth. There will always be chaos and suffering of the just ones. 


The readings of this 25th Sunday in ordinary time of the Church liturgical year are both encouragement and indictment for us. It is an encouragement in the sense that they comfort and invite us to offer our unjust pains and sufferings in the hands of the wicked as a living sacrifice to God. 

Equally, it is an indictment, as we are challenged, on how to treat the just and the innocent among us. We are indicted for our ruthlessness or insensitivity, especially when we maltreat, torture and kill. The just and innocent ones whose voices are prophetic in our midst.


The readings of this Sunday call us to discipleship. A painful road of witnessing to Christ, the gospel and the Christian values. Indeed, following Christ has a cost. Being a disciple or follower of Christ has a price. It implies the perpetual pains, sufferings, crosses, persecutions, name-calling in the family, society or the Christian Church. 

The call to discipleship also means witnessing to the love of God by serving our brothers and sisters with all love, humility, and self-denial. A simplistic lifestyle of a trusting child who learns to trust and submit all to God without reservations. 

In all, the scripture readings invite us to embrace the way of suffering as the only way to true discipleship of Christ. Equally, they challenge us to become great in the sight of God by doing his will as Jesus did, surrendering our lives to Him in the service of others.

What makes one a Christian or a disciple of Christ is the courage to stand up to evil and evil people. Despite the pains and sufferings that come with taking such a bold stand. At the same, we can remain loyal and faithful to God no matter the number of persecutions. 


The first reading from the Book of Wisdom has a similar theme with the Song of the Suffering Servant in the prophecy of Isaiah. It portrays the suffering of the innocent, and just one exemplified in the passion, suffering and death of Jesus Christ. 

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We see here the plot and scheming of the wicked ones against the just and innocent ones whose lifestyles are torment and a reproach against theirs. Hence, they conspire and instigate others to join in their evil plotting to punish the just. 

They live with a wicked hope of doing away with the just, innocent and righteous ones and all they represent among them. They used the justness and innocence of the faithful servants of God to torture them. They plot and wait in silence to see the just ones fall. 

Hence, they torture, shame and condemn them to death undeservedly. This is a sort of mocking and riddling the just and innocent for their faith and trust in God. It is putting God to the test through his servants while subjecting them to all forms of cruelties. At the same time, they mock the just ones hope of redemption through God, who will save them. 


This proves one of the grievous stunts of evil in our world, society, family, religious communities and even the Christian Church. The preying upon and mocking of the goodness and empathetic nature of the just and innocent by the wicked. 


Today, many do not only torture the just and innocent. These godless people also try to change the concept of goodness and innocence to justify their mockery. They re-defined the truth, justice and the good by watering down the ethical or moral standard on which the Christian principles and truth are built. Principles which also the just and innocent rely upon. The conspiracy, name-calling and shaming of the faith of the just or innocent man are where mediocrity and evil lie today in the Christian life. It is not just a mediocrity mockery of the world against anything godly. It is equally a well-known practice even among priests, religious and lay faithful against anything good, just and truthful. 

Implicitly, amidst all the evil scheming of the wicked against the just servant of God. The just and innocent one has absolute faith and trust in God. We must develop the same strength of character if we are to live an authentic witnessing to the gospel of Christ and the Christian principles. 


The responsorial psalm invites us to petition God, our defender, helper and refugee. The one who upholds our lives in the face of evil conspiracy of the wicked against us. 


It is unimaginable, the psalmist calls on God to rescue him from the proud and ruthless within his household and people. These are the godless souls who detest God, justice, truth, goodness and righteousness and all who embrace these qualities. 

The psalm recognizes only God can save us from such godless men. As he always listens to the cries and tears of the just one who entrust his affairs to him. 


There seems to be one silent question in the passage of the Letter of Saint James: why do the proud, ruthless and godless attack mercilessly the just and the innocent? The answer is simple and clear to the point. It is because of the evil ambitions and desires which leave them empty and unfulfilling in life. 

James 3 16 Jealousy And Ambition Brings Disorder and Evil green

Despite all, they try to show off apparently that all is all-good and all-going-well. The facades they put on cover their emptiness publicly. These are troubled and restive souls who are not at peace with themselves. Neither will they be at peace with anyone who is peaceful, joyful, and gentle in life. 

So, they live their lives through hatred, strife, conflicts, divisions and disorderliness. For James, conflicts or wars exist in the world due to evil passions, jealousy, selfishness and ambitions. They display themselves in all forms of disorder or inconstancy. As well as insincerity and dirty practices of rivalries and competitions among them. 


Furthermore, James hopes that peace-loving people will stay clear of the unhealthy mentality. They will strive towards purity of thoughts, words and actions that manifest in being peaceable, gentle, compliant, merciful and bearing fruits of righteousness. 

The just ones are faithful, trustworthy and prayerful individuals who rely absolutely upon God at every stance and situation of life. Through prayer, they learn to ask with the simplicity of hearts. They are also contented with letting the will of God be done through prayer. 

Meanwhile, the evil and ambitious souls will kill and be destructive to get what they cannot obtain or possess. Sadly, these individuals do not believe in the power of prayer or divine assistance or providence. 


They rely more on themselves and their evil or ambitious scheming to get whatever they want by hooks or crooks. Even when it is to the detriment of their souls and all those peace-loving people around them.

This monstrous ambition or desire is not only seen in the wide world of today. It is also seen in us and among us, whether as family, Church, religious communities or groups of lay Christians in the Church.  


There are two kinds of suffering that we face in life. First, the suffering that comes to our path for being truthful to the Christian values and principles of following Christ: The Truth, the Way and the Life. This suffering is joyous and enriching to all who submit to it willingly. 

It is salvific suffering that sanctifies, purifies and saves us for eternal life. It is suffering the unjust and wicked ones will know or understand. Hence, they inflict these sufferings mercilessly on the just ones, for their trust or stand with and for God. 

The second type of suffering is the ones we inflicted on ourselves. All because of our evil ambitions and disorder desires. In other words, since they are self-inflicted sufferings, they are born out of evil ambitions, desires or longings for power, self or material things. 


Our failure to attain our desires make us brutal and inhumane to all those around us, especially the innocent and helpless ones. They blind us to selfish ambitions to the extent that we become unable to empathize with those in pain or suffering. 

The types of suffering are self-destructive, and they leave us empty and disgruntled with life despite its many blessings. They make us god-like or beast-like in our attitude or relationship with others. 

For those with this mentality, life is all about competition with everyone around them. They are not only dissatisfying with their lives. They become much cruel, embitter, insensitive and destructive towards everything or anyone who stands on the way to perceive self-fulfilment or selfish ambitions.  


In light of the passion, suffering and death of Jesus Christ, the gospel of Mark invite us to be prepared for pains and sacrifices.  He calls his disciples and followers to be servants of all through generosity, humility and self-donation to God. This is the mystery we celebrate today. As we see, Jesus predicts for the second time what awaits him in Jerusalem. 

The context of the gospel text is fundamentally important to note as Jesus explains with utmost clarity his suffering, death and resurrection to his disciples. He took them to a quiet and lonely place away from every distraction tell them about his final mission to save mankind. 

The general context of the private discussion of Jesus with his disciples is not only one of untold pains, suffering, and death. It is also having the element of victory and glory in the resurrection after cruel death. 

 In the Wisdom literature of the first reading, we also see the just and the innocent who suffer. It is the same theme in Psalm 54 and probably the Letter of St. James. How the wicked twist and thwart the path of the Just due evil ambitions.


The theme of suffering is not unique or particular to only Christ and prophets and servants of God before Him. There are many and countless sufferers in human history before, during and after Christ. 


Many of them suffer worse torture in silence. These just and innocent souls were detained for years in solitary confinement and suffer more painful and degrading deaths. Like John the Baptist and countless others, they were unjustly condemned and never vindicated, unlike Jesus. 

Some suffer consciously as Christ who died for a cause of saving mankind. They suffer a lot and willingly lay down their lives to resist evil, injustice, and oppression. Some of them suffer loudly for denouncing injustice and un-truth of society. While others went silently through the crucible of the personal and private suffering in putting up with the cunningness of evil around them. 


Concretely, many historical and biblical figures suffering before Christ-like Joseph among his brothers. The servants of God like Moses and the priest of God like Aaron who suffered leading the stubborn people of Israel. The prophets from Moses to John the Baptist all suffered unwearyingly. 

Christ, his apostles, and his followers from the early days of the Christian faith to the present day suffered and are still suffering. There are many individuals of different races, creeds and ideologies who went through all kinds of suffering. There are many today who also continue to suffer. Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, and Malala Yousafzai, to mention but a few. These all suffered for their stand against social, cultural, racial, political and religious evil perpetuate by ruthless and godless men. 

Yet, many unnoticed individuals suffer daily in some unbearable ways. These are parents who sacrifice all for their children. Children who are giving all to help aged parents. There are also individuals, such as priests, policemen, doctors, nurses, teachers, other professionals or craftsmen, or even ordinary people who sacrifice their lives. In other words, these people give much of themselves to make the life of someone or the world a much better place. 


The predictions of the passion, suffering, death and resurrection met a tragic reaction from his disciples. 

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  • First, they claimed not to understand what he was passionate about and distinctively explaining to them. 
  • They were disappointed in him and his declaration of a suffering Lord and Saviour. The Messiah is to come and save them from oppression and domination of imperial forces. 
  • They took to in-fighting and struggle of power, authority and privileged places of our honour. While they ignored the touchy and empathetic ways in which Christ was informing them about his mission. 
  • They failed to look at the brighter side of things. The victory and glory of the resurrection after the suffering of Christ. Instead, they focused on negating the painful way of the cross. 

In as much as, this reaction speaks to the humanly, natural and normal, side of them as human beings. It portrays their lack of insensitivity to Christ and predictions of his suffering and death. 

This may be our reactions to pains, sufferings, and even deaths in others. We seem to deny, reject, or remain indifferent to our suffering and that of others. We take advantage of others in the pains and sufferings in difficult times.  

Other times we simply fail to see the brighter side of our pains or sufferings and others just because they are unbearable. 


  • How willing are you to face or accept sufferings for the sake of Christ? Do you bear with patience and trust your hardships, difficulties, or sufferings for the sake of God and others? 
  • Are your sufferings born out of persecutions, hatred, envy or jealousy because of your commitment to peace, justice, and truth? Or are you suffering due to your selfish and evil ambitions and desires? Without care for the will of God, or care for others?
  • Do you see goodness, brightness, and positivity in your sufferings? Even though they are unjust and unmerited? Or do you whine and complain and only see darkness or negativity in your suffering moments? And that of others?   
  • Do you accept the cost of your discipleship of Christ? That entail pains, sufferings, renunciation, denial and even death? Or do you scheme to twist or thwart everything and anyone to evict pain that comes your way?


We must face and accept sufferings that come our way, especially when evil plots or schemes perpetuate against by ruthless and godless people. 


Our sufferings call us to be empathetic and Charitable in thoughts, words, and deeds towards others in their sufferings. 

Our Aspirations in life should also synchronize with the purposes and aspirations of God for us. 

Through humility and self-facing, we must learn to live last on earth. That is, we must be the last of all and servants of all. Living a childlike simplicity of life and faith. 


Lord Jesus Christ, help me not to judge others by what they have and have not, but to serve all in humble, loving service of self-donation as you did. May the pains, sufferings, persecutions, crosses and even death do not underdetermine my ability to do the right things. 

Lord, let me know that the most fundamental lesson for us today is that the just and righteous man and woman’s Faith and Hope will never be shaking. Even when it seems evil is winning, and bad people strive in their wicked plot against goodness. With the psalmist in Psalm 54, we pray, Lord, that you uphold and sustain our lives against ruthless and godless men and women. Amen!

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