faith, prayer, live
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Living faith is an active faith against all odds of life. It is an indomitable faith that overcomes all contraries of life trusting the absolute mercy, grace and providence of God.  Indeed, faith is one of the superlative forces or energies of conviction in God, on the earth and in heaven that can change, transform or overcome any and everything that comes on us.

Faith 1

According to our Catholic catechism: Faith is a supernatural gift of God which enables us to know him, love him and serve him in this world through our brothers and sisters and his Church. Faith is one of the three theological virtues (faith, hope, and love), on which is built our Christian life.

Therefore, living faith in God is one that trusts in Him, of steadfastness and faithfulness in God to persevere and to be patient amidst the darkness of injustices, violence, destructions, insecurities, trials, crises, sicknesses, diseases, sufferings and lacks.



Hmmm, the readings of this Sunday is about faith in God. It is a little bit mild theme compared to the harsh and frightening ones of the last two Sundays earlier on. Though challenging on the theme of faith; a free gift and the driving force of the Christian life.

The question that confronts us today is, how can we live fully and actively our faith in an advanced age of science and technology? How do we manifest a supernatural gift of faith in a highly secular world of materialism?

Beautiful enough, our faith does not depend on sizes, depths, height or breath. It is the simplest sense of conviction and trust in God in the ordinarily daily events of our lives.


The best way to live our faith in God is through a conscious prayer life of absolute trusting in him. Prayer enables us to be conscious of the abiding presence of God in our lives. This is the most profound act of faith. The knowledge that our lives and existence depend solely on God.

religion faith pray man

To pray is to focus our heart on God, to have faith in God’s concern for us. Every prayer renews our trust in God, and whenever we turn to God in faith, we are praying. It is no more possible to have faith without prayer than to swim without water. But we need to pray in the right spirit. Too often we just want to bring God around to our way of thinking rather than putting ourselves under God’s guidance.


Sometimes prayer is used as a magical formula, the last resort, worth a try when all else fails. Faith manifests itself in the life of each Christian through prayer and actions or works. A true living faith Christian prayers as if all depends on God and acts as if all depends on oneself.

Hence, for a true faith believer faith in prayer is not magical gimmicks or wishful thinking or expressions of emotions and mind. Nor is it a life of all-self-sufficiency in one’s ability, energy or strength.

A true sense of faith in God invites us to wait, hope, trust, believe and at the same time act following the will and mind of God.  


The first reading this Sunday from Prophet Habakkuk 1:2-3; 2:2-4, concludes with the positive answer from God: “The just man, because of Faith, shall live”. This is an invitation of trust, confidence, steadfastness, fidelity, total commitment to God and humble service to others amidst the difficulties, sufferings, violence, insecurity, disappointment and deceptions of this world and humans.

Book of Habakkuk 1

Hence, the Prophet responded to fear-gripping Israel not to see evil, violence, recessions, insecurity, uncertainties, hardships, sufferings, pains, hopelessness, negativities, wars, strife, conflicts misery, diseases, death or total destructions. Rather, to live by faith and trust as the just man does. This is because God is in control amidst the chaos and He will order things anew.


The second reading from St. Paul´s second letter to Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14 remains us to hold firm to the doctrinal teaching or the deposit of faith entrusted to him and the apostles with hope and love in Christ Jesus. Especially, in our personal and communitarian struggle to be faithful to the apostolic teaching handed down for ages.

2 timothy 1 vs 71

St. Paul invites us to be more practical and concrete in living out our natural and free God-giving faith. As, it is not a gift of timidity, fearfulness, despair, negativities or cowardice. It is the Power of God, love and trust imbued in our lives and spirit to bear living testimony amidst all odds.  


In Luke´s gospel of today, having listened earlier on to Jesus’ teaching not to be the cause of scandal and how to forgive, his apostles and disciples asked him to increase their faith. Hence, Jesus demonstrated to them that it is not the quantity of faith that matters but the quality of faith depending on our personal relationship and commitment to God.

Therefore, we all need Faith in God to assure us that God is still in charge despite of all odds, and the ups and downs of life. Faith is also important to motivate us to avoid evil and to do good for others. It also makes us conscious of our actions so as not to scandalize others, as well as disposes us to forgive those who wrong us.

Living by faith could be very hard, Jesus’ disciples knew this and asked the Lord to increase their faith. Again, Jesus dropped the shock: faith is not a giant magnet that attracts miracles and signs. It is a deep inner conviction that moves to actions and responds to service without hope for reward.  


1.          Faith and trust in God are the most fundamental nucleus of the Christian life.

2.          Without faith in God life and human existence is meaningless and full of miseries.

3.          We do not need power, intellect, position, status, wealth etc. to be faith-filled.

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4.          True and living faith manifests in active prayer life, and practical and spiritual works of mercy.

5.          Faith is the mark of spiritual life. A Christian is a faith-based person with the intention to do good acts. While a social worker or philanthropist might be a good person with a noble intention to do good work.

6.          Without faith, it is impossible to be a steward or servant of God who is contented with serving God and others alone.

7.          Beautiful enough, our faith does not depend on sizes, depths, height or breath. It is the simplest sense of conviction and trust in God in the ordinarily daily events of our lives.

What problem is currently challenging your faith in God? It may be bareness after several years of marriage, it may be unemployment after several years of graduation, and it may be a financial difficulty or a family problem. Do not be despondent but have faith in God.

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Obviously, it is indeed difficult to live by faith, when, it is much easier to live by magic or wishful thinking away from reality. When we live by fear or instilling fear in others, by manipulation, control or eye-service attitude. Let us pray this Sunday to the Lord to help us to be like the unprofitable servant of the Gospel, authentic and sincere to the faith we profess. As such, we shall live by, in concrete and practical terms actions, services and good work to the glory of God and the salvation of mankind.


Lord Jesus Christ, while Faith assures us of a better future and we await your blessings and upliftment in our difficulties and struggles, help us to live out our faith conviction in our level of pastoral and spiritual commitment. “Lord, I believe and trust in you; help my unbelief and assure my faith in you!” Amen.

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