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Once again, we begin a new liturgical calendar of the Church´s year of grace in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ. Advent a moment of grace to be awake while waiting. It is a new season of waiting, preparing and being alert for the coming of the Lord. The world awaited his coming more than 2000 years ago. The world anticipates his coming in glory at the end of time. Equally, the world awaits his coming daily in every events and experience of our lives.

1st advent


Etymologically, the word “Advent” stems from the Latin root, “Adventus”, which means ‘arrival’. In other words, it means by definition “the arrival of a notable person or thing”. Hence, through its root from the word “advenire” whereby “ad” – ‘to’ and “venire” – ‘come’. Liturgically, the season of Advent reminds us of the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus into the world. It also means the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas, observed in commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ into the world.

Spiritually, what does Advent season mean for us? Truthfully, our daily lives are a continual advent where Jesus Christ continues to manifest himself or the divine Godhead in every event, experience, and history of human existence.


03 The First Flame of Advent Year B

The readings of the new liturgical season of the Church´s calendar, cycle B, with gospel readings focusing on the Gospel of Mark invite us to wakefulness. A spiritual awareness, alertness, watchfulness in prayer, goodness, and virtuous living of our lives while awaiting his coming. It is a moment of reconciliation, repentance of sins and preparation to receive God´s grace in our lives.

It is a moment of waiting patiently for the manifestation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. A gracious moment to live and to act in steadfastness.


The Prophet Isaiah invites the exiled people of Israel to recognize their sins, to admit to their sins and to make amend for them. Hence, they will merit God´s infinite mercy and compassion. A God who not just their maker in the imagery of clay and porter but a loving, provident and merciful father.

The psalmist in Psalm 79 makes us aware of the Lord´s goodness and graciousness to show mercy and forgive sins.


Saint Paul in his first letter to the Corinthian church reminded them of the need to remain in steadfastness while awaiting the Second Coming of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. A steadfastness of all class of spiritual blessings: grace, peace and mercy to remind guiltless and sinless for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ.


This liturgical year of cycle B, our gospel text will be mostly from the gospel of Mark. Unlike others the liturgical year of cycle A of the gospel of Matthew or C of the gospel of Luke that begins advent with Jesus´ commencement of his public ministry. Cycle B begins with almost the ending to Mark´s gospel. Jesus´ warning of the end-time and the uncertainty of the final hour or moment. The day of the Lord´s manifestation or intervention.

The concept or the doctrine of the Second Coming and the day of the Lord are two most controversial, complex and negatively interpreted doctrines all through the history of Christianity even to our present age and time.

According to Williams Barclays, chapter 13 of Mark´s gospel is very important to understanding these doctrines in the right and correct manner. Hence, he articulated some crucial points that reveal the truth of these doctrines:


1.       The day of the Lord is a concept or belief in the Jewish religion. The Jews always see themselves as a specially chosen race to dominate the earth. As well that someday they will humanly take control of the world.

2.      However, with time they realized this is seemingly impossible humanly as in conquering and dominate the world. Though, divinely it is possible. So they believed that someday God will intervene in human history and win the world for them. This day of God´s intervention is the day of the Lord.  A day the excepted Messiah will come to save his people from slavery and restore the kingdom to them.

3.      This paradigm shift of God´s intervention will only come after a turbulent period of terror and trouble in the world. When its foundations will be shaken and there will be judgment. But in the end, there will be a new world and a new age with a new glory of unconquerable victory with God in control of all things. This is the Messianic age.

4.      However, the negative and pessimistic view of the day of Lord as widely seen in the Old Testament literature such as Amos 5: 16-20, Isaiah 13:6-16, Joel 2:1-32; Joel 3:1-21   created a bleak pessimism and strong belief in the imminent coming of the Lord´s day.  

5.      In that time a kind of popular religious literature grew up. With a lot of books about dreams and visions of what would happen when the day of the Lord came and in a terrible time immediately before it.

6.      They continued to use the Old Testament imagery, up till Jesus´ time and beyond to the Judeo-Christianity era. However, in a very erroneous way of focusing on the negative interpretations of the end-time.

7.      Jesus who was very knowledgeable in the apocalyptic literature, used their language and imagery to warn his disciples to be aware, keep alert, keep awake and watch for the coming of the Lord.


   (i) There are prophecies of the destruction of Jerusalem Mark 13:1-2, Mark 13:14-20.  

   (ii) There is warning of persecution to come. Mark 13:9-13.  

(iii) There are warnings of the dangers of the last days. Mark 13:3-6 and Mark 13:21-22

(iv) There are warnings of the Second Coming.   Mark 13:7-8 and Mark 13:24-27.  

(v) There are warnings of the necessity to be on the watch.   Mark 13:28-37. If men live in the shadow of eternity if they live with the constant possibility of the intervention of God. If they live with the prospect of the consummation of the coming of Christ then, there is the necessity ever to be ready. In the gospel of today, there are some basic assumptions such as:


a. Mark 13:33-37 is not about the Second Coming but the day of the Lord. The Messianic age or moment of grace, peace and joy.


b. Jesus himself did not know the day, hour or time of the day of the Lord. Hence, it is not up to us to speculate about it either.

c. We live in the shadow of eternity. As such, we are not to live in fear but rather live fulfilling our daily task. So that the Lord will meet us in grace. For those who prepare adequately, the Messianic revelation will not be terror, but eternal joy.

It is in the context that we initiate the Advent season or moment of grace to usher in a new era-: the Messianic age. God becomes Man and dwelling among us forever. Immanuel. Advent is a moment of grace, peace, reconciliation, preparation, forgiveness, restoration and mercy.


Lord Jesus Christ, each year we are bountifully and joyfully given the gracious season of Advent to prepare and live the Christmastide with joy, peace and grace. Help us to take advantage of this opportunity or moment of grace, waiting, preparation and charity to share the joyful news of God-with-us! Immanuel! Amen. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!

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