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Christ is Christmas! Christmas is one of the most celebrated feasts of Christendom and indeed in the whole wide world. It is a feast the changes the human history forever. A feast and a celebration of Jesus Christ at the centre of it. As well as defines the cycle of human history around the person of Christ: BC-Before Christ and AD –“Anno Domini” In the Year of the Lord. Hence, Christ is the greatest historical figure that ever existed and continues to exist in human history.

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 Though, sadly, some traditions try to reduce it to holiday season alone. A season of buying, of dinning and winning, of what we wear, where we go or visit and of the feast of Santa Claus. A celebration of everything minus God and the Child Jesus along with the Holy Family of Nazareth. A Christmas without Christ is pure a business venture or a social recreation. Christ is Christmas and Christmas is all about Christ.

It is the feast of God made man: the Little Child Jesus who was born and dwelt among: the mystery of the Incarnation: the mystery of God. 

God as a Child born helpless, defend-less and vulnerable; born poor with many human needs of Clothing, housing and feeding in Bethlehem (the house of bread). God born to an unknown family of a carpenter Jesus and humble mother Mary. God born in the tiniest and most insignificant town of Israel: Bethlehem. God born in the most infamous season or time of the year. Hence, the surprise of his born.

God born in a manger and stable of animals, visited by humble shepherds and foreigners of the East and unrecognized by his people.

The Word made flesh and dwelt among us Jn. 1:14. Immanuel: God with us! Is. 7:14. A child born unto us: Mt. 1:23. For to us, a child is born, to us, a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace Is. 9:6. This is our Christmas feast! God made man to save us from sins and to fill us with every grace, blessings and peace.

There are lessons of Christmas:

1.      Christ is Christmas and Christmas is all about Christ.

2.      It is the birth of God among us. Jesus Christ: King, Lord and Saviour of the world.

3.      It is the mystery of the Incarnation and Hypostatic Union: the feast of Divinity and the celebration of Humanity of the Godhead: the Son.

4.      A feast of the season when God, the Almighty and Creator of Heaven and Earth assumes a helpless, defend-less and vulnerable condition to sympathize with us in our own seemingly hopeless conditions, weaknesses and failures.


5.      It is a feast of invitation to contemplate the innocent and peaceful God-Child at REST. The sleeping God-child in the protective and caring arms of Joseph and Mary. A sleeping calm God-child in a troubled world of Herold, tussling and grabbing for power, a conflicting world of the Jews and the Romans, and amidst the harsh winter cold.

6.      It is the choicest feast a humble family of the Carpenter Joseph and the humble, innocent and submissive young Lady Mary: the Holy Family of Nazareth.

7.      It is a feast of God being born or visiting unmerited people and unexpected people of Bethlehem and the world.

8.      It is a joyful and peaceful feast of the heavens reunited to the earth while the heavenly sing: Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to men [and women] of goodwill. Luke 2:14


Lord Jesus Christ! Welcome among us and above all welcome into our hearts at the occasion of commemorating your Holy Birth. O Come Immanuel and help us to recuperate the meaning and significance of your birth and to as well to celebrate this joyful feast with You at its Centre along with your Holy Family of Joseph and Mary. Amen

Prayer to bless the crib at homes or churches.

christ is christmas

Introduction: Dear friends and families in Christ, as we meet this holy Night to celebrate the birth of Christ. Let us pray that God will bless this crib and all who worship his Son born of the Blessed Virgin Mary may come to share his life in glory.

Let us pray:

God Our Father, on this Holy Night your Son Jesus Christ was born of the Blessed Virgin Mary for us and for our salvation + bless this crib with which we have prepared to celebrate his holy birth. May all who see it be strengthen in faith and receive the fullness of life, he came to bring. He who is alive and reign with you in the Unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen!

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