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On this penultimate Sunday to the end of the Church’s liturgical year. The central theme of today’s readings is an invitation for us to muscle courage to stand firm in/with Christ Jesus. Especially, as it pertains to the Day of the Lord or the Second Coming of Jesus in glory as a judge.


The readings warn us too about the last days and invite us to reflect on our death and judgement. At the same time, encourages us to be prepared, ready and firm.


The readings of this Sunday present us with themes of the last days, end times, being prepared, and faithfulness to God and salvation. Malachi 3:19-20, 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12, and Luke 21:5-19

Hence, we have the most controversial topics in religion and particularly Christendom since its inception- the end times or Jesus second coming. It is a bastardized theme that has subjected Christianity to all sorts of interpretations, doctrines, teachings and manipulations in the name of God.

As we draw closer to the end of the Church’s liturgical year, the readings of this Sunday invite us to reflect on the end time with caution, readiness and steadfastness. Always, there are several ways of reacting to end-time events.


The prophecy of Malachi 3:19-20 reminds us of God’s judgement that brings healing, restoration, and reward to the just and righteous. While punishment, deprivation and fire are to all who do evil.

What is the Day of the Lord

Hence, Prophet Malachi reminds us there will be fierce judgement all arrogant and evildoers will be uprooted and sheared off from existence and righteousness, healing and salvation will be established. This victorious end invites us to shade off fear and anxiety while trusting in God.


St. Paul in 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12 2 cautions us to be diligent and dutiful in virtues while we await Christ’s Second Coming and not take to vices of laziness and idleness.

1 thessalonians 1 3 sgl

Again, St. Paul cleared the misunderstanding about the end-time or the second coming of Jesus Christ. As he called the busybodies, escapists and opportunists who used faith and religion to dodge reality and responsibility to learn and imitate him.

He challenges them not to become burdens to others or complacent, but to eke out their living meaningfully and in the proper manner. The Christian life is not one with excuses or idleness.


Despite the horrible pictures painted in the Gospel of Luke 21:5-19; of destructions, deceptions, falsehoods, hypocrisy, terrors, horrors, wars, conflicts, disasters, catastrophes, famines, plagues, apocalyptic signs, persecutions, imprisonments, terrorism, betrayals, and martyrdoms.

Jesus, even though did not promise a worry-free, easy life on earth, did give 100% assurances of the opportunities to bear witness to the Gospel; the incomparable wisdom to overcome all schemes, conspiracies and plots against us and an untouchable and unshakable victory to the end through our perseverance

Christ in the gospel of Luke 21:5-19 underlines certain concrete facts about the end time.

1. There will be an end-time.

2. No one knows the date, time, and place or how it will happen.

3. There will be religious deceptions and manipulations in the name of God.

4. There will be fearful, dreadful and terrible signs and portents: famine, earthquake, flood, and pandemic.

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5. There will be persecutions, betrayal, hatred, or put to death for your faith and lives in Christ.

6. These moments are great opportunities, energy and courage to witness to Christ and Christians will be called to testify to their faith through the roughest way of the cross.

5. Surely, our endurance and faithfulness to God will lead to our salvation.


Jesus was completely honest with his disciples and us on the signs of time and history. These terrible moments of Christian witnessing in the family, society, Church and the world. At the same time, Jesus promises us will never face our trials and tribulations alone and also there is a safety that overpasses all threats on earth.


In other words, Jesus did not promise a safe ride on our Christian journey. However, he promised us a safe arrival if we endure all trials and persecutions.

The Christian life is our life of courage to speak out and stand firm and not cowardly to cave into the pressure to conform to the truth.


As Christians, there is this Catholic Christian tradition of reflecting on the end-time teachings:  death, judgment, heaven and hell. These are not meant to frighten us his disciples, nor should they frighten us.

Instead, they are offered hope and opportunity to prepare us for the changes or challenges we will experience during our lifetimes and at the end times.

Let us ask God to help us not live in a fear or panic state amidst the rumours of wars, conflicts, natural disasters, uncertainties, fears and inhumanities of the end times.

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Like the psalmist in Ps.16 whom you gave a surety of victory over all odds when he acclaimed: God you are my inheritance O Lord! May the end times not scare us but may it be a moment for us to remain focused in live a faithful life of good words and deeds.

We are called to endure to the finish point of our faith, to trust in God now and always. He is the Lord of History, time and space.  


Lord Jesus Christ, tough and hard times never last, but tough and persevering people do; to recount their testimonies and paths to victories. Help us to understand that, through faith and deepening our relationship with God, we can find meaning and purpose in our roughest paths; turning negatives into positives, tragedies into triumphs, and heartaches into moments of grace. Amen.

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