images, services, sufferings
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We all have different images of life as we experience, however amidst the absurdity of life, its meaning can be found in selfless acts or services to others.  Someone, once argued that the only meaning of life is through the service of others.

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This is because there is an absurdity that comes with life and living. When this sense of absurdness engulfs us with uncertainty and insecurity life becomes meaningless. In a moment like this, we can only find fulfilment and a sense of meaningfulness or purpose in the service of others through God.


As we get closer to the Season of Lent, the readings of this Sunday talk about the human sufferings and the liberation that comes from Christ Jesus. The readings touch on human brokenness, tragedies, pains, or sorrows, and the timely intervention of God.

A sense of dedication to God or divine cause is one of the life-driven purposes for earthly human existence. This is along with a sense of personal closeness to God in solitude, meditation, and prayer. This quiet and profound moment orders our sense of worries, cares, or anxieties to tranquillity and calmness.

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We need a sense of prayer to overcome our weariness and recharge of strength and fortitude in God, especially in crisis moments. Our victory is not in waiting for the moment to pass by but in developing a sense of deep prayer life through a quiet moment with God.


The Book of Job is one of the most-read pieces of literature of the Bible. It addresses the problem of evil and human sufferings in the world and its main theme is against the ancient mentality that human sufferings are due to human sins.


God not only refuted this theological error or mindset belief of the biblical Old Testament time in Job’s friends, Job’s society, and Job himself but also radically changed our perception of evil, suffering, and sins in the world.

Practically, the presence of evil or suffering is independent of human sins. If not why did Jesus Christ, the Son of God have to suffer?

This reading question today: “Is not man’s life on earth a drudgery? Life is full of toil, hardship, and without happiness or meaning. Yet, Job´s dilemma was not without solution even though he sounded helpless and hopeless.

Job’s pessimistic and desperate view of life as a chain of pain and suffering is full of despair. There is meaningfulness in life when it is centred on or in God.

The psalmist in the psalm of today: Ps. 146 invites us to Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted. Especially in the valley of tears called life or earth.

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St. Paul talks about duty and obligation to the Gospel which implies a tough life and sacrifice that could be considered as human sufferings, amidst the presence of evil that is opposed to the Good News.

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In this way, Paul makes sense of the absurdity of life in the light of preaching and living the gospel. Loving service to humanity and all to give a concrete meaning to life without purpose if not in God and Christ Jesus.

Though, as Christians, we are to accept life with hope and optimism as a precious gift from God. Thus, the challenge of using it to do good for others and spending our time, talents, and lives for others as Jesus and St. Paul did in our biblical texts today.


Jesus in the gospel of Mark gave the absolute solution and deeper meaning to his time’s senselessness, hopelessness, and absurdness.

The gospel life adds means and sense to life, besides living it and transmitting it in loving service to others.

The life of service to all is everything that gives meaning and sense to human life and Christian life or faith. In all circumstances of life, life gains meaning through the service of others.

In the Gospel also Jesus charismatically embarked on preaching the Good News amidst all odds of evil.

He lives the moment liberating all who came in contact with him of the human sufferings healing and casting out evil and its spirits. Especially the evil that torments our inner peace and our well-being spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Most importantly, Jesus taught us how to recharge or refill our inner strength through life weariness that is always inevitable. A moment of prayer, solitude, and meditation just to be alone with God.


With so many life challenges, we are all fatigued and drained spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, and financially. If there is anything that energizes or empowers us to keep a sense of equilibrium. It is through a quiet moment before and with God. Jesus and Job taught us this today.

How often are we tempted to stick to the hunting shadow of generational curses, sins, and bad luck, or deny the presence, grace, and mercy of God? It should be clear that our sufferings, pains, and situations are not a result of our sins though they might be consequences of them.

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Today, many Christians live in fear rather than living by faith in a strong divine consciousness that even evil seems to be pressing on all sides. God is there with us and for us and we learn to trust in your loving and liberating presence.

Therefore, it is our prayer that like Job, Paul, and You help us to understand that the presence of evil means nothing to one living in God and that the human limitations-sins are not responsible for human sufferings because your INFINITE MERCY overrides them all.


 Indeed, life could be meaningless and challenging, yet it is beautiful, loving, and worth living.  However, the challenge is: what image of life have you constructed for yourself? What do we internalize out of life experience: pain, suffering meaninglessness or hope, God’s presence and glory? One with God despite life’s challenges or one with absolute absurdity?

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Lord Jesus Christ, the whole purpose of your life is to preach the Kingdom, to proclaim the Good News: of God´s love for us. Equally, you invite us to share this life through the loving service of self-donating our lives for you and others. Help us with your loving grace to serve you and others without counting the cost or heeding the losses incurred. Amen

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