Knowledge is not just power against ignorance but it is also an authority to exercise dominance over everything in honour and glory of the Lord and service to brothers and sisters.
The Christian power, authority, and privilege are not worldly, but spiritual and as such, they are to promote goodness and healing, provide joyful service, defend and uphold the truth as well as fight and eradicate evil forces in the world. This was how Jesus exercised his power and authority on earth and when he confirmed his disciples, especially Peter, the first Pope with this power and authority it was the same thing he expected of them to do.
The readings of this 21st Sunday in ordinary time of the Church´s liturgical year of cycle A, call us to ponder on our privileged positions and its exercise power and authority as Christians and Christian leaders. As well as the paramount knowledge of who Christ is personal and important for us to follow him well and convincingly.
Jesus’ question to his disciples is also the same question to us: WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM?
The answer to this question determines all that we are as Christians. It is a personal and introspective question that needs a personal and concrete response. It is not doctrine, it is not dogma, it is not catechism, and it is not a quotation or a theoretical hypothesis.
It is the key to power and authority in Christ Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith and existence.
In the first reading from the prophecy of Isaiah 22:19-23, God through the prophet warns Shebna the key of his power and authority in a privileged position as the master of the palace will be taken away from him and entrusted to Eliakim someone who acts with honour and glory to the name of the Lord and more trusted to protect Israel.
In the prophecy of Isiah Shebna, the master of the palace lost his privileged position to Eliakim not only because of pride but lack of knowledge to enrich his life with genuine authority and power in service of God and others.
Psalm 137 calls us to remember we are God´s work, instruments to carry out his purpose in our privileged positions of power and authority as God´s children, and members of his Church.
St. Paul in his letters to Romans 11:33-36, invites us to recognize, praise, and live within the depths and riches of God’s Wisdom and Knowledge as privileged Christians with power and authority. This is because in God, for God, from God and through God and to God are all things, including us. To him then, be the glory, honour, power, and authority forever and ever. Amen.
t. Paul praised the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! An unfathomable mystery through, from and for which are all things.
Jesus did not only do a self-evaluation of himself with people´s opinions, but he equally called his disciples to a deeper knowledge of him as their Lord and God. In order to have a firm grasp of the power and authority inherent in the Profession of faith in Him. Matthew 16:13-20
1. A crucial moment in Jesus’ life, the end of his earthly life was close, and to be sure his legacy of propagating the kingdom of God will live on, he evaluated people´s opinion of him and that of his disciples too.
2. The verdicts of the crowd on issues, things, and persons are usually erroneous opinions and judgments. While the verdicts of personal experience under the inspiration of the Spirit of God on issues, things, and persons are genuine or authentic and truthful.
3. Doctrinal and catechetical opinions of Christ are not sufficient for a deep and personal faith commitment to him. We need a strong personal biblical and prayerful knowledge of Christ if we are to live like him, especially in the exercising of power and authority.
4. Knowledge is power. Peter´s inspirational knowledge of Christ opened the realm of infinite power and authority to hold, bind, and lose anything and everything in heaven and on earth.
5. The “Messianic secret” is that each and everyone must discover personally who Christ is if we must become Christ-like and tap into his power and authority in the service of others.
A Christian or a Christian leader misses the mark when he or she uses her privilege, power, and authority to oppress, suppress, dominate, control, manipulate, and abuse others.
When power, authority, and privileged positions are mentioned in the bible the tendency for a legalistic or power-driven Christian, priest, or religious leader is to focus on and consolidate his or her God-given power, authority or control in the Church.
Indeed, this is true! However, why this power and authority is bestowed on us, is more important than what extent is this power and authority. It is for service, to defend and promote goodness, truth, and healing and to combat evil and its forces in our lives and the world.
The prophet Hosea 4.6, cries out:´ My people perished for lack of knowledge´ Indeed, yes indeed we live in an era of total ignorance of an inner-depth knowledge of God. Hence, our lives are in crises of identities and of the transformative power that comes from knowing God.
It is imperative that our best Christian knowledge and experience lead to a solid faith foundation, knowledge and declaration of Jesus Christ as Our Lord and Saviour: the Messiah: the Son of the Living God.
Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Wisdom of God in all its depths and riches. Help us to come to know you as the one true Christ: Messiah, the Son of the living God personally and as such live out the privileged Christian life within your transformative and redemptive power and authority. Amen.
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