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Today’s Feast of Mary, the Mother of God, is a very appropriate way to begin a new year, reminding us to rely on the powerful intercession of our Heavenly Mother. Indeed, what an honour and privilege to have the first day of 2023 the Lord´s day: Sunday. It is an indication and an invitation to begin the year with the Lord of Time, History and Life.

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An act of Thanksgiving, of reparation, of petitions and resolutions, is all we need to launch into with GOD: Generator, Operator and Director of our existence.

Incidentally, the Church also observes the World Day of Peace on this day and invites us to pray especially for lasting peace in the world throughout the New Year.


There is no time more appropriate to consecrate ourselves to the patronage of Mary than the beginning of a new start of year. Usually, a new start is always apprehensive, tense and worrisome for all with a mixed feelings of hopes and fears for the future. These feelings are normal, natural and human. Yet, they invite us to have recourse to God and his divine plan and promise for us.

This is why the Church in her wisdom has not only recognised and declared Mary´s motherhood of God: “Theotokos” in the Church´s Council of Ephesus in 451 AD. She also sets this feast at the first of the New Year. God´s plan for humanity was made perfect in Mary at the fullness of time. As such our plan under the patronage of Mary will be made whole and fruitful in God.


The readings of this special day and holy feast invite us to count our blessings on God´s providence and divine intervention in every moment and history of our existence. We need God´s blessings, protection and graciousness to weather through life´s inevitable challenges.


Hence, the readings of the day are all about positive attitude, disposition and abandonment of divine grace, blessing and mercy of God


God through Moses instructed Aaron and the priests on how to declare His Choicest blessings, protection and grace upon the children of Israel. “The Lord bless you and keep you; Amen! The Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; Amen! The Lord lift his countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen!”

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The Lord of Time, History and Life declares unfailing blessings, safeguards, shining favours, graciousness, peace and kindness on his people through his prophets Moses, Aaron and his Sons.  

The psalmist in Psalm 66, declares “May God bless us in his mercy! Amen! As well as invites us to trust in his goodness and graciousness. And equally, praise and revere his name at all ages!


St. Paul in his letter to the Church of Galata brings home to our understanding the central message of today´s feast: Mary, Mother of God. For him, our inheritance, our adaption, and our privilege in God through Christ Jesus are all possible through Mary´s absolute yes to God´s plan.

 Hence, Mary, Mother of God is also our Mother. Through Mary, we are co-heir with Christ and we can call God Abba, Father and Papa! What a special and singular privilege and honour!


Again, St. Paul assures us how the God of history, time and life concretize his Presence in human nature and history breaking down all barriers to grace and abundance in Christ Jesus. Making us coheirs with his Son and as such declare openly: Abba! Father!! Papa!!! And Daddy of all times, places and situations. Amen  


The Evangelist Luke presents to us the fullness of God´s revelation and salvific plan to save and redeem mankind through Jesus Christ. The predestined plan was made possible through Mary’s cooperation. Today, we witness the shepherds visit the manger. Later, Jesus is circumcised and named.

1.     There is a fulfilment of God´s plan in Christ Jesus!

2.     The shepherds´ testimony of the angels’ declaration of Good news to Israel and their worship and praises of God.

3.     Mary´s virtue of contemplation of God´s word and internalising it in her heart at all times.

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4.     Through the Blessed Virgin Mary God has done so much for us. We need her patronage, intercession and exemplary lifestyle to cooperate and fulfil God´s plan for us. This is the core message of this feast.

The Virgin Mary: Mother of God shows us how to reap the blessings, spiritual grace, mercy and divine favour from the Word of God in our hearts, lives and Christian living. She did meditate on them especially when he did not understand God’s intended purpose and plan for her. Lk.2:16-21


So, could you please declare, claim and apply these biblical passages on yourself, your family, your friends, your plans, your New Year’s Resolution and your situation as you pass unto 2023?

1. Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

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2. Isaiah 43.1 “But now, this is what the LORD says he who created you, Jacob,  he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”

3. Lastly Ps.23. “The Lord is my Shepherd….there is nothing I shall lack…..”

May the Lord Jesus Christ, at the end of the year 2022 help us to recognise and acknowledge the goodness, mercy and grace of God in our lives. We ask you to grant us blessings and we praise you for such unmerited favours and blessings.

As we initiate the new year of 2023, help us to consecrate and live under the divine patronage of your mother and our mother too, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Finally, today’s feast invites us to share in Mary’s sense of awe and wonder before God’s merciful love, made known to us in Christ, her son. As we look towards the New Year, which begins today, we ask Mary to help us to treasure the gospel as she did, so that Christ might come to others through us as he came to us through Mary.


In the Year 2023, may the LORD bless you and keep you, Amen. The LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you, Amen. And also may the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace, Amen and Amen.

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prayer card st teresa of avila
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