easy, way, road, discipline
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On a personal and communal level, the Christian life is not an easy vocation or road to travel by. It entails a lot of ups and downs. It is a life of many struggles and challenges to maintain a steady upward and onward way to heaven. However, it is a life of grace marked by many failings and errors humanly.

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John W. Peterson´s song titled “It’s Not An Easy Road”, describes the readings of this Sunday to us. The song goes like this:

It’s not an easy road.

We are travelling to heaven,

for many are the thorns on the way;

it’s not an easy road,

But the Saviour is with us,

His presence gives us joy every day.

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No, no, it’s not an easy road,

No, no, it’s not an easy road;

but Jesus walks beside me

and brightens the journey,

and lightens every heavy load.

It’s not an easy road.

There are trials and troubles.

And many are the dangers we meet;

But Jesus guards and keeps

So that nothing can harm us,

and smooths the rugged path for our feet.

Tho’ I am often footsore and weary from travel,

Tho’ I am often bowed down with care;

 A better day is coming when Home in the glory,

We’ll rest in perfect peace over there.

Indeed, it is not an easy road our path to heaven. It is a way of the cross, self-denial, sacrifice, and discipline to steadiness and faithfulness to God amid many trials, temptations, sufferings, difficulties and failures to quit.

However, Jesus was truthful with us from the onset. He didn’t promise us a hitch-free or smooth journey to heaven, but a rough and rugged one, yet he promises us a safe arrival amidst pains, sufferings, hardship and discipline.


In the first reading, Isaiah’s prophecy Is 66:18-21, speaks to the future Babylonian exiles returning to Jerusalem after 47 years in captivity and purification through pains, suffering and discipline of God in a foreign land.

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For Prophet Isaiah, the road to salvation or glory is a glorious one that entails purifications, pains and sacrifices and it is for everyone without exceptions.

With the assurance that salvation is not a Jewish monopoly but of every tongue and nation accepted to God´s ways. The prophet’s great book ends as it began, with a vision of all the world’s peoples streaming toward Jerusalem, acknowledging and praising the God of Israel.


In the second reading exploring with his readers the consequences of Christian commitment, St. Paul explains that “the narrow gate” of Jesus means our accepting pain and suffering as the loving discipline God is giving His children.

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It is a disciplinary one too, where corrections are done with love, empathy and discipline, which for the moment has no joy and gladness but only pains and sadness. However, it produces lasting fruits of peace and goodness.

At the same time, he reminds us of the parental obligation and love we have to discipline our children for a more fruitful life. It is not an easy road.


Today, in the gospel of Luke, Jesus declared that entrance into the kingdom of God can never be automatic for being a priest, pastor, Christian or church-goer. It is the result of long endurance and perseverance in carrying one’s cross daily to follow Christ.  As well as, the reward of a struggle to do God´s will through self-discipline, self-denial and sacrifices, “Keep on striving to enter.”

For Jesus the fact is not how many will be saved for the Kingdom of God, but what effort is made to be among the redeemed since the road is a narrow and difficult one.

The hard truth of all is that there is no direct or free ticket to heaven for being a priest or faithful without being a true Christian in the sense of the word.

He also admonishes us not to be complacent or delusional about our associations with God as a ticket to heaven: “We ate and drank in your presence, and you taught in our streets”. Some think that just because they are members of Christian civilisation or church or group in the church all is well and that they are safe. There would be many surprises in the kingdom of God on the last day.


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a.     It is the road of self-discipline, denial, self-effacing and sacrifices.

b.     It is the way of the cross, suffering and dying to self.

c.     It is the call to love, do good, pray and bless those who hate us.

d.     It is a challenge to love others despite their differences from us.

e.     It is the conscious way to have a large and inclusive heart for all without discrimination.

f.      It is a road of no retreat and no surrender, no giving up despite many failures, difficulties or obstacles.

Therefore, there are no shortcuts, pranks or gimmicks to heaven or the living grace, mercy and salvation in God. The Christian life of following or imitating Christ is a conscious and deliberate decision to choose the hard way to glorious life.


Today, our prayer point should be that the grace of God sustains us on the narrow path by saving path to his Kingdom. May our heavenly race never be one of tiredness to bear witness to Christ: the Truth, the Way and the Life, even when it is one of high discipline.

Rather, may we be thankful to God, for the invitation of Christ to journey along the way of life. And as our journey of life goes through the chosen path of challenges. May we be purified and not be attracted to the prosperity gospel of our time or the illusive faith that the Christian and human life is the painless and effortless way.


Lord Jesus Christ, it was your saint, St. Augustine of Hippo, one of the greatest minds of the Catholic faith and teaching that firmly stated: “He who created us without our help will not save us without our consent or cooperation.” Lord, help us cooperate with your grace and mercy to be saved in the most difficult path of life: the way of/to salvation. Amen.

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