prayer, pereseverance, faith
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The readings of this Sunday present us with a clear picture of persistence and perseverance through faith in prayer and the final success that this achieves. Especially, amidst the hopelessness and the powerlessness of life’s situations around us.

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The habit of praying is one of the habits of life that we try to cultivate or learn but does not stay with us. When we cultivate or pick certain habits like smoking, drinking or eating too much or character-wise like lying, backbiting or judgemental etc.

It is so difficult for us to overcome them. However, the habit of praying unlike other habits needs enforcement and perseverance and we never get used to it than to keep trying and trying because always with prayer the spirit is willing but the body is weak.

However, there is a way to pray with the heart, which reaches out to God, who is sure to answer. To speak from the heart is also to speak to the heart. God can read the human heart, and knows us better than any words we might use; better than we know ourselves.


The readings of this Sunday invite us to the life of prayer — perseverance in prayer in living faith, constancy in prayer and trust in God as we pray.

Luke 18 1 8 000030


Moses with upraised arms supported by Aaron and Hur gave Israel the needed victory over their seeming powerful enemies. Praying is not just a powerful weapon against negativities, a supporting or interceding prayer is also very helpful.


In this first reading, we see the dramatic power of intercessory and supportive prayer displayed through Moses’ uplifted hands with Aaron and Hur supporting him. Prayer is a habitual constancy and perseverance amidst struggles and striving. Defeat comes when we are ´prayerless´. However, victory is certain when we pray.


From St. Paul, we see that the richness of the Holy Scripture is not only for inspiration, teachings, rebuking, corrections, exhortations and righteousness. It is also packed full of promises, assurances, vocabularies and examples of prayer life and faith experience to enhance, nourish and enrich our prayer and spiritual life.

bible sunlight

That is, it is only through the power of prayer that we can authentically bear witness to God and lead a convinced Christian life. The scripture is not only useful for teaching, reproof, correction and righteous living, but it also enriches the Christian spiritual and prayerful life.  


The widow who would not quit, though her situation seems hopeless and helpless against her enemies and the fearless and godless judge. A persistent prayer has perseverance, faith and grace at work.


Possibly, the judge is not a Jewish judge. All ordinary Jewish disputes were taken before the elders and not into the public courts. Equally, under Jewish law one man cannot constitute a court, there were always three judges: one chosen by the plaintiff, one by the defendant and one that is independently appointed.

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He must be one of the judges appointed by either Herod or the Romans. Such judges were notorious, fearless and godless. A plaintiff without power, influence or money to bribe them never gets justice or a verdict for his claim.

The widow in the story was the symbol of all who were poor and defenceless. Even though, it appears she had no means of getting justice for her case.  She had one weapon-persistence.

It is important to note that the parable does not liken God to an unjust judge. It contrasts him with such a person. What Jesus was saying was that: if in the end an unjust and rapacious judge can be wearied into giving a widow justice. How much more will God who is a loving Father give his children what they need?

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Hence, we need patience, persistence and perseverance when we pray with faith. It means waiting on God´s time, way and will. This is the persistence of faith in God without giving us when our prayer seems to be unanswered.

Jesus in the gospel Luke 18: 1-8 demonstrates the need for constancy and perseverance in prayer without losing heart or giving up to despair amidst seemingly hopeless situations and conditions of life. He also assures us of God´s quickness to act in the face of injustice, corruption and evil practices of the corrupted powerful or wealthy.

However, there is one condition of FAITH to be prayerful and to preserve patience while waiting on God.


1. Praying requires Biblical knowledge

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2. Praying calls for concrete action

3. Praying is faith and conviction in God and his power to save.

4. Prayer is not a guarantee of always getting what we want but that the Will of God always is done. He knows what to give when to give and how to give it.

5. It is ideal for turning worries, cares and anxieties into prayers, meditations and stillness before the Lord

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6. Praying is not just a wordy expression or emotional rattling of problems to God. It is also inner silence of the heart in meditation, contemplation or thanksgiving; the silent tears, the sighing of humble resignation to God´s will, it is that take-in of nature´s gifts of sunshine, breeze and fragrance etc.

7. Prayer expresses our hope, nourishes our faith and drives us to concrete action of love towards others.

Let us ask God today to make us strong in our faith, unwavering in our hope, generous in love, and persistent in our prayer.

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Lord, no great work can ever be achieved without long and patient effort: Moses with upraised arms and the widow who would not quit. Help us to be steadfast with arms raised in prayer and never to quit despite the odds, downs and obstacles of life and faith. Amen

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