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Humility is the mother of all virtues. Only a humble and simple person can learn the way of the Lord and learn for others irrespective of the status, age, class, and state of life. It is a humble person who can admit to his/her mistakes and apologize for them. Equally, it is a humble person who knows; he or she does not know-it-all or has all the answers or solutions to life problems. One who is humble seeks helps for others no matter how insignificant they are.


The themes of this Sunday are on the Mighty but Humble God who is not against intellectual power or knowledge. Yet condemns intellectual and pride people who do not need him. At the same time, he is appreciative and identifies with the lowly, humble, and simple-hearted people. Those who cling to the revealed mysteries of God.


A story was once told of an elderly Kenyan woman returning from her farm after the day´s work. She was carrying a heavy log of firewood on her shoulders. In her tiredness and weariness, she was also laden and burden with a heavy load of firewood. She needed to cook her meal.

Fortunately for her, the local priest of the Catholic mission was heading to celebrate the Holy Mass in her village. Coming across her, he offered her a ride in his van. He indicated to her to climb to the back of the pick-up van which she did. However, on climbing into the back of the van, she still has her load of firewood on her shoulders.

The priest who was at the driver’s cabin saw her through the arrear mirror that the elderly woman was still with the heavy log on her shoulders. And he had to stop the van once more to tell her to relieve herself of her load onto the moving van.

The story of this elderly is the story of many of us in life´s journey with its burden, worries, tensions, pains, and troubles. God gives us a ride with grace, mercy and blessings. Instead of us casting our burdens and troubles onto God, we stick to them wailing and complaining while riding on grace.

This is due to our pride, ignorance, stubbornness, arrogance, or narrow-minded to open up ourselves to God´s grace and mercy in humility, simplicity, and gentleness of heart like Christ.


FIRST READING: Zechariah 9:9-10

The first reading from the Prophet Zechariah 9:9-10 is a prophecy of the triumphant entry of Christ to Jerusalem. A triumphant and victorious Messiah-King that comes in a humble way. Riding on a donkey but with peace even though his power, majesty, and dominion are also felt everywhere.

SECOND READING: Romans 8:9-13

Romans 8:9-13, St. Paul demonstrates to us that by the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, we live the new life of grace. At the heart of the Pauline theology is Grace in Christ Jesus. However, our cooperation with this abundant and unmerited grace is very important. For God´s work of righteousness and salvation to come to fructification in us. Here humility is required to know that the Christian life and living is a grace.


The Gospel of Matthew 11:25-30 Jesus articulates some basic points for the Christian life:

1. He condemns intellectual pride and people but upholds intellectual power, knowledge and cleverness as means God´s revelation to us.

2. For Jesus, the heart, not the head, is the home of the gospel. Hence, a Christian is one who lives out his/her life with simplicity, trust, and innocence of a child-like heart.

3. Stupidity or being a simpleton is not a mark of true humility.  We are called to grow in the knowledge of God daily in our Christian faith through intimate prayer and his Word.

4. The greatest claim of Christ is that it is only through him that God can be known. That is if we want to know what God is like: – in mind, heart, nature, or attitude then we should see Christ.

5. Jesus invites all men desperately trying to find God and desperately trying to be good, but who were finding the tasks impossible and who were driven to weariness and despair.

6. To find comfort, peace, tranquillity in Him, and equally to learn from his simplicity, humility, and gentle attitude of the heart.

7. Also, amidst the wearisomeness, tiresomeness, burdensomeness, tensions, troubles, and perplexities of life, relations, works, businesses, or studies from within us and from others; Christ is our peace, our calmness, and our tranquillity.


Lord Jesus Christ, you who is meek, humble, and gentle of heart teach us to learn to be like you in all situations, conditions, and moments of life. Especially, at the crucial point of our lives with COVID-19, emotional, psychological, and economic burden and fatigue. Amen

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