index 1


We are all destined to fulfil a divine duty or purpose in life. From the time of our conception to the time of our death, life is a search for this singular divine purpose. The Christian life is a priceless gift or treasure. We are called to seek it out in exchange for worldly treasures. Our search takes us through many critical moments of counterfeits, fake and disillusioned things that seem real like our final search or destiny.


As such, we need Wisdom from God to help us in our search. Likewise to guide us discern when eventually we find this divine purpose of life: our most inner hidden treasure or gift. The readings of this Sunday invite us to ask for God´s Wisdom in order to give away what is unnecessary. Equally, to search for the things that matter most in life; namely God.


This is Proverbs 3:13-18 advice to us in life search: “Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold. She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honour. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.”


The first reading of this Sunday, 1 Kings 3:5, 7-12 King Solomon had the opportunity to ask God for anything. The opportunity to ask for life and health, wealth and riches, power and authority, affluence and influence, money, victories over foes and enemies, and personal glories. Divinely, he opted for the Wisdom of God to discern, to judge, to choose and to rule justly. Gracefully, he got all and even more than he asked for. What would you ask if given such an opportunity?


St. Paul in his Letter to the Romans 8:28-30, assures that if we make the fundamental option for God. Everything, absolutely everything that happens to us will work for our good or our favour. This fundamental option implies letting go of the unnecessary hindrances to grace, mercy and favour.


We continue with the parabolic teachings of Jesus Christ in the gospel of Matthew chapter 13 with our focus on verses 44 to 52. There are a lot of lessons and inferences on these parables of the hidden treasure, the merchant and priceless pearl and the drag-net.


1.      The seeker of treasure and the merchant were not idle or by chance or luck came across the treasure or priceless pearl. No. they were busy conducting their daily life businesses diligently and efficiently. When their hard work or effort paves the way to fruitfulness.

2.      It would be a sad thing, if it were only in churches, in so-called holy places, and on so-called religious occasions that we found God and felt close to him. God is found in the small and big things, events, or moments of our daily life.

3.      There is an unwritten saying or teaching of Jesus which never found its way into any of the gospels. Implicit teaching which rings in true. That is, true happiness, true satisfaction, the sense of God, the presence of Christ are all to be found in the day’s work. When our day’s work is honestly and conscientiously done.


4.      It is worth any sacrifice to enter the Kingdom of God.  To make the most profound, radical and fundamental choice for God. This includes life, fame, positions, wealth, people, friends, power, influence, affluence, and even good name in the world.

5.      The sudden discovery of a divine treasure may flash upon us a moment of eternal illumination. A conviction of what God’s will is for us. However, for us to accept it, we must give up certain aims and ambitions which are very dear to us. We must abandon certain habits and ways of life which are very difficult to lay down. Besides the discipline and self-denial which are by no means easy. That is, to take up our cross and follow after Jesus´ footprints.


6.      Truthfully, there is no other way to peace of mind and heart in this life and to glory in the life to come than giving up everything. In order to accept and to do the will of God.

7.      A pearl was the loveliest of all possessions.  In the context of the parable, it means that the Kingdom of Heaven is the loveliest thing in the world. There is no discipline, sacrifice, self-denial or cross too big or too great to do or give up in order to possess this supreme loveliness God´s presence or kingdom.

8. There are many fine things in this world which a man can find loveliness. There is knowledge, intelligence, art, music, literature, and all the triumphs of the human spirit; serving his fellow-men, or human relationships. However, it is true none is of supreme price as the Wisdom from God.


9.      It is the nature of the drag-net  to gather all, that is, it does not, and cannot, discriminate. Therefore, its contents are bound to be a mixture. If we apply this to the Church, as an instrument of God’s Kingdom upon the earth. It means that the Church cannot be discriminative.  Rather, it is bound to be a mixture of all kinds of people, good and bad, “useless” and useful.

10.  Equally this parable teaches that the time of separation will come when the good and the bad are sent to their respective destinations. That separation, however, certain as it is, is not man’s work but God’s. Thus, we must gather in all who will come, and not judge or separate them. In this way, we leave the final judgment to God.


11.  Ultimately, Jesus invites all modern scribes of our time. The preacher, teacher and pastor of the Christian faith to overcome infirmary sticking to dogmatic or doctrinal traditions at the expense of evangelical creativities.  To meet the new, resilient and societal demand of the gospel. In other words, firmness to productive and transformative traditions and new creative ideas are the keys to effective, efficient and diligent pastoral in the 21st century. And not some archaic and outdated traditions or narrow-minded ways of doing things without positive results.


In these parables of hidden treasure or finest pearl,  the greatest point is the joy of the discovery.  That made the man or the merchant willing to give up everything to make the treasure indubitably his own. Whether the discovery was the result of a moment or the result of a life-time’s search, the reaction will always be the same. Everything or something precious or valuable must be traded, sold and sacrificed to gain or acquire the priceless Christain faith.


Lord Jesus Christ, how hard and difficult, it is to let go that we treasure and value most in life. The power, authority, privileges, wealth, relationships, controls, ideologies, positions, our comfort zones, interests and ambitions that we cling to. Even when they rob us of our inner peace of mind and the tranquillity of heart.  Above all, they cost us the loss of God´s presence in our lives. Grant us, the wisdom to accept your will above ours. The courage to let go all that we cling to, and the grace to know what really counts in life. Amen.

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