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One thing sure in the entire gospel of Jesus Christ is that, whenever Christ is present, the weary find rest and nourishment. The downtrodden are shielded. As well, the hungry souls are fed spiritually and physically too. He shows us the provident of God.

Therefore, it is proof beyond all reasonable doubt that there is no complete evangelization in Christianity today without caregiving to both the physical and the spiritual needs of the people.


The readings of today invite us to participate at the gracious and generous altar of the Lord freely. To come into God´s presence with something or without anything at all. An invitation to the gratuitous meal of the Holy Eucharist where all is free. Likewise in abundance: grace, mercy, blessings and goodness.



The Prophet Isaiah 55:1-3, consoling the exiled Israelites in Babylon and perhaps us to in the valley of tears. He invites everyone who thirsts to come to the living free water, wine or milk and all who hungers to eat superabundantly grains. An indication that God invites his people to come to him for true life gratuitously.}


St. Paul in Romans 8:35-39 challenges us to Christian life and commitment even when there is absolutely nothing or reward for our sacrifices. Raising some fundamental questions by categorizing what could separate us from God and his love. Are they physical sufferings or difficulties? Is it anguish, distress, famine, nakedness, peril? Are they religious or moral persecutions or abuses? Is it death or life? Or spiritual forces like angels, principalities? Things present now or in the future? Powers that are in the heights or the depths be it spiritual or religious, political or other creatures? In Christ Jesus, we are more than conquerors, victors and victorias against all and everything.


The gospel of today Matthew 14:13-21 is unique in the sense that it begins, with the report of John the Baptist´s death. And Christ withdrawal to be alone. Along with his empathetic spirit to respond spiritually and physically to the needs of the people.


First, upon hearing John´s death, there were three perfectly simple and natural reasons why Jesus should seek to be alone. (I)He was human and he needed rest. (II) He never recklessly ran into danger, and it was well to withdraw, lest too early he should share the fate of John. (III) Most of all, with the Cross coming nearer and nearer, Jesus knew that he must meet with God before he meeting with men. He was seeking rest for his body and strength for his soul in lonely places.

However, Jesus never had that opportunity or luxury to be alone. The people with their continual demands invaded his privacy and quiet time to refresh, to recollect and to mourn his cousin and forerunner John.

Jesus had no private time, no office time, and no time consciousness to get rid of the people when dealing with them. Not even ill-feelings, disgruntle-ness, bitterness against the people for their incessant demands.


The deepest lesson for priests and pastors is that there is no room for formality, private or office time in pastoral life and it is unchristian or un-Christ-like to see the people and their demanding life as nuisances.

This miracle of Jesus feeding the multitudes of five thousand men with a rough estimate of well over twenty thousand people.  It shows deeply the person and personality of Christ.


a. The compassionate Jesus, when he saw the crowds he was moved with compassion to the depths of his being. To respond to their spiritual need teaching and preaching to them about the Kingdom. Additionally, also attend to their natural need for healing and to their physical need for food.

b. Jesus shows us that all gifts no matter how small insignificant or insufficient is from God. A thankful and appreciative heart is the source of all blessings and the key to abundance.


c. Some biblical experts called the miracle of the multiplication of loaves: the miracle of love. In the sense that, every average Jewish person carries with him or herself some loaves of bread. As well as water or milk or wine in a skin bag when embarking on a journey. Hence, Jesus’ preaching or teaching on love touches their heart.  To the extent that the haves was moved to share with have-nots fraternally. Hence, the miracle of the multiplication of loaves and fishes was a miracle of the changing of selfish people into generous people. The soul or heart touched by Christ.

d. In this miracle, the charity call of the Christian faith and works outlines a fundamental truth: A truth that is at the heart of the Church.  The disciples or Christians are helpless without God´s intervention.  It is also true that the Lord is helpless without his disciples or Christians collaboration.


e. Miracles are not created out of anything in a vacuum. No. They are God´s grace, mercy and blessings completing our human efforts. It was out five loaves and two fishes provided by someone that Jesus multiples to feed approximately 20, 000 people. Statistically, wherever 5000 men gather, the number of women will be twice the men´s number: in the case 5000 x2 = 10,000 and children will be plus or minus the number of men: 5000.

f. The Christian call to collaborate with God in the face of such great or overwhelming magnitude of task does not require adequacy or well-equipped preparedness. All it takes is a good disposition and little effort for God to multiply.


g. Jesus gave the bread to his disciples who in turn share it to the people after thanksgiving and breaking of the bread. This was a clear way of his orientation and conscientization of them that pastorally the people must always be spiritually fed with Word and Sacraments.  As well as, they must be catered for too in their physical needs.


h. At the end of the miracle, there is this conscious effort by Christ to call for the gathering of all ruminants. God gives to men with munificence, but a wasteful extravagance is never right. It is against charity to be wasteful no matter how little the degree of wastage.

i. Lastly, the miracle of the multiplication of loaves and fishes prefigures the sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist, where through the human offering of bread and wine in act of blessing and thanksgiving God multiplies the eternal and heavenly food to feed us all.


Lord Jesus Christ, the palmist articulate perfectly today our sentiment of thanksgiving: “the hand of the Lord feeds us: he answers all our needs.” Help us to know that no matter what we experience in life. Death, pain, suffering, persecutions, dangers, and disappointment in human relationships, diabolical influences, manipulations, or control and abusive power and authority in high and low places, that we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. Amen

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