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Theophany, the manifestation or appearance of God in human history is quite different and unique to each individual or group of people. However, this appearance is always within the profound situation and context of each personal experience of God. Consequently, theophany is God´s intervention in human history.


The readings of this 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time of the year Cycle A, speak a lot on the manifestation of God in our salvation history. It also presents his intervention in daily lives’ events of our lives.  God is always there in our present-day situations and contexts of the pandemic. He knows what we are going through; the crisis of faith and the emotional crisis of uneasiness, panic, and nervousness.  He is aware of our struggle with the social crisis of distancing and no human contacts. As well as the economic crisis of uncertainty for the future that is blinking.



The first reading from 1 Kings 19:9, 11-13 was a personal theophanic encounter of God with the prophet Elijah. After the terrific and dramatic manifestation of God to Israelites at Mount Carmel against the forces of corruption and falsehood- Baal and his prophets. Elijah was afraid of what Jezebel the wife of King Ahaz will do to him. When he presented the True God to the people and exposing, shaming, and killing the false prophets of Baal sought refuge at Mount Sinai.

There in the peaceful, calm, and comforting way, God manifested Himself to Elijah. Besides this theophanic appearance in a gentle breeze was a correctional impression of God who “answered by fire” mentality.  Obviously, the God who answered the prophet by fire at the contest of Mount Carmel: Now, he was no longer manifesting Himself in the extraordinary phenomena of furious wild wind, earthquake, or ravaging fire but in soft, gentle, calming whispering and breezily sound of sheer silence.


The biggest lesson for us is that the Christian mentality of today that seeks God in terrific, dramatic, and extraordinary phenomena of life. Often, misses out in the gentle, soft, and silent ways God reaches out to us too. The “answereth” God by the fire of Elijah is also the soft whispering God of Elijah.

Our theophany may be in the simple, ordinary, uneventful or undramatic experience of our daily lives. It could be in rising and setting of the sun, greenfield, plants or the flowering plants and trees, the humming forests, creepy flowing springs or river. It could also be in the clasping ocean sound, wave and still blue-ness or greenish of the sea or ocean. As well as, experience in the tweeting sounds of insects, birds and animals domestic and wild. Or it could be in the laughter and smile of children, young and adult, the quietness of our morning wake, etc.


In Paul´s Letter to the Romans 9:1-5, we see Paul grieved at the Jews’ refusal to accept Jesus. Even when to them was the accreditation of theophany. To them was given the filial adoption, the worships, the glory, the promises, the laws, the prophets, the patriarchs, the history and the tradition. To their race is Christ Jesus: Lord, Messiah, and Saviour of the world. Though he was sad over their refusal or rejection of Christ.  He was determined to do anything and everything possible to win them for Christ, even his own separation from Christ or even death.


In the Gospel of Matthew 14:23-33, we continue with the humanity of Christ to connect with or to the people. He shows compassion on them, teaches, heals, and feeds them. Equally, with more empathy, he took his time to send them forth and bid them farewell to their respective destinations. Demonstrating God-man who cares.

However, after the theophanic revelation of a provident God to the people. In the far troubling sea, he reveals his profound divinity to his apostles and disciples by walking towards them calmly on the troubled sea. In their double troubles of the tempestuous storm and apparently seeing ghostlike appearance walking towards them. They cried out in panic, fearfulness and terrifying state or condition to Jesus who assures them: “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.”


1. The phrase “it is I”, etymologically in Greek is “ego eimi”, which literally means “I am”. The statement “I am” is equal to the identity of a person. This reminds us of the theophanic revelation of God to Moses at the burning bush Exodus chapter three.  Where Yahweh identified Himself as “I AM WHO I AM”. Hence, Jesus using the same words “I am” to his disciples implies a revelation of his Godhead to them. As well as revealing his supreme power above natural and human disasters of our daily life.

2. “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid”, is a profound invitation to faith, trust, and reliance on God of creation, nature, and history. The surety, security, and guarantee of our being and existence.


3. Peter´s drama as it is in his erratic and forwarding personality has a lot of lessons for us to ponder:

I. Fear can make us bring out the best or worse in us.

II. Peter´s faith failed him because it was not a faith of profound prayer. That is centricity in God-Jesus. It was a “showoff” faith with a quick mentality to prove to others. Comparatively, that he believes and can act like Jesus.

III. The Christianity of impressiveness, pleasing, and imitating of others are superficial and stumble in crisis mode because it has no depth of faith.


IV. Peter´s loss or lack of focus on Christ who beckoned to him to come or walk towards him led to panic, fears, terror, or horror.  Life is failure-bound when we give in to the immensity of life´s pressure around him than on God

V. The same thing happens to us when we are more conscious of life´s pressures, tensions and crises more than on God. He who is always present with us and reveals Himself in little and great moments of our lives.

4. It is only with the presence of God is our peace, tranquillity, calmness, and security of life. Hence, without the reality and presence of God, our lives are hellish and continuous torment.  With all life´s cares, worries, pressures, and crises: health, economic, emotional, political, socio-cultural, or ecclesiastical crisis pressing us on every side.  Christ is our peace of mind and our solid rock in the midst of life´s tempest.


Lord Jesus Christ, in your theophanic revelation of your Godhead to us. You became one like us in all ways except sin, experiencing all human crises: moments of pains, suffering, panic, terror, and horror until death. Help us with your grace to have profound faith, trust, and confidence in your ever-abiding presence with and in us: Immanuel. Amen.

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