The Christian Church, community, and religious life are not devoid of conflictual life.  However, we must have an open mind to fraternal correction and sensitivity to others´ complaints. Community healing is through authentic reconciliation of listening to each other. In other words, a conscious, authentic and constructive dialogue is necessary for reconciliation.
It is also a conscious effort, to be honest, and sincere with each other. A moral call to adjust our narcissistic lifestyle that affects others. There can and will be community healing through authentic reconciliation or lovely fraternal correction. But we must guide against plastic surgery or superficial reconciliation devoid of not listening to all sides.
The readings of this Sunday remind us of being watchmen or women to our brothers or sisters. Especially when they go wrong or do evil or commit a sin. It is not for us to discuss them behind their back without telling them. There is a moral duty to call on errant members of our family or Christian community to order. Love is the keyword to fraternal living and correction, that is what we owe each other. Lastly, Jesus presents us with an authentic way to seek reconciliation and peace in the Christian community.
The ancient cities of many imperial powers have solid walls and watchtowers. These towers are mounted by watchmen or sentry. Their job is that they should or must inform or alert the city of any impending danger. This was due to the instability of security. As foreign invaders could attack or raid the cities without prior warning. We all are watchmen or women in warning our brothers and sisters to repent of their evil ways. We are all commissioned to be instruments of peace and reconciliation in the family, civil society and Christian community
This is the protectionist´s context God uses to call Prophet Ezekiel to a paternalistic role in the correction of Israel.  As a watchman, he is obliged to warn or speak against evil committed by anyone in the community. First, as a sense of duty to avoid being indifferent or accomplice to the evil and its punishment. And secondly to warn the sinner or erring person to repentance and salvation.
In Psalm 94, the palmist on a personal note invites us to hear the voice of the Lord and harden not our hearts. Either to the Word of the Lord or fraternal correction.
SECOND READING: Romans 13:8-10
St. Paul summaries the commandments, the laws and the entire Christian life as love. That is the love of God and neighbours. It is all we owe each other. It is also what we ought to live by our interpersonal relationship.
Jesus anticipates conflicts which are bound to happen in the Christian community. Systematically, Jesus layouts a blueprint of how to go about squabbles and misgivings in fraternal life. This could be in the family circle, the Christian communities, or society at large.
Hence, fraternal correction within the Christian family through Jesus´ model is the most authentic, pure and transparent way to reconciliation.
- If your brother or sister wrong you. Do not be vengeful or trumpet his errors to all. It is more Christian to seek out a one on one reconciliation through dialogue.
- If dialogue failed due to pride, insensitivity or lack of empathy to relate or connect with your pains or concern.
- Then, it is time to bring in a witness. An impartial third party to intervene for peace. One who can sustain true reconciliation and promote peace. And not partially take a side or deepen the hurts or division instead of healing.
- Actually, this second group fraternal correction Jesus proposes is grounded in the Old Testament. In Deuteronomy 19:15, it has alluded that, âOne witness is not enough to convict anyone accused of any crime or offence they may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.â This has a legal tone.
- However, if this failed too, then the Christian community or family should be involved.
- First implication Christians do not wash their dirty linens out to knowledge or view of all.
- Time is to be taken through constructive and productive dialogue. That will yield a positive outcome.
- Patience and understanding through authentic effort are to be engaged.
- The sense of seeking reconciliation could be both ways: the offended could also be the offender or vice versa.
- The Christian communities should and must have mediators. Mature Christian minds who can liaise between warring parties. So as to bring about lasting peace and reconciliation.
- Accordingly, if the communal strategy failed, the erring party should be treated like a Gentile and a tax collector.
- Here, care must take care not to misinterpret Jesus as advocating for limited forgiveness. No. He encourages our forgiveness to be until seventy times seven Mt. 18:22. That implies infinite times.
- It means treating the person as He: Jesus would treat a Gentile and a tax collector. Through befriending them with empathy than condemnation.
- Evangelizing and teaching them the true way of living with God´s grace and mercy.
- Reconciliation in Jesusâ mind is a peaceful agreement between fraction parties. In the name of God taking into account honest and sincere effort for peace to reign.
Arguably, the Christian life is not perfect. However, that is not an excuse not to fit brokenness in our interpersonal relationship. We must also bear this in mind that Christian kindness and Christian forgiveness is a guarantee for one to act or do what he or she likes. In fact, to the contrary, we should do everything possible to attain fraternal corrections.
However If today in the religious communities or Christian Churches it is difficult to sustain authentic reconciliation. It is because of the increasingly growing narcissistic tendencies among pastors and Christians. The sense of entitlement, grandiosity, superiority, the lack of empathy and the failure to follow Jesus´s propose steps to authentic reconciliation. Our insincerity to be transparent in communal healing processes.
Lord Jesus Christ, today´s readings touch the core of our Christian relationship in the community. As well as the difficulties and uneasiness fraternal corrections provoke among us. Help us to follow your guidance to authentic personal or communal reconciliation with sincerity, honesty and truthfulness. Amen
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