peter, resurrection,
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The power of the Risen Christ through the Holy Spirit is Peter’s transformation to stand for and with Christ our Saviour and Lord. Hence, the person and personality of Peter is a very interesting point to reflect upon this Easter time. This is because in him we see the resurrection power a work, changing and transforming everything about him. 

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Equally, the lives of the early believers or Christians in the post-resurrection and the post-Pentecost era were lived in the community. The risen Christ was experienced more in the Christian community and the power of the Holy Spirit was felt more in the believers’ community.

FIRST READING: ACTS 5:27- 32, 40 – 41

In the first reading, the apostles and disciples convinced of the power of the Risen Christ and the Holy Spirit suffer willingly and gladly without losing focus. They were convinced of their obedience to God first than to human beings, authorities or structures.

Glaringly, the first reading also witnesses the transformative power of the resurrection of Christ over Simon Peter. He took a public and open stand for God rather than men. One fundamental question from this is can we take a stand for Christ publicly and privately like Peter without fear or favour to anyone or anything?  

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1.     The coward who denied Christ three before maids now took public and open stand for God rather than men. Acts 5:27-32, 40-41

2.     The negative and uncertain man became a convinced announcer of the good news with certainty.


Apostle John in Revelation 5: 11 – 14 encouraged the early Christian communities to be faithful and focused on the Risen Christ: the Lamb who was slain to receive all power, riches, wisdom, and strength, might, honour, glory and blessing. Accordingly, only God in Christ Jesus: the Lamb merit commitment and our praises.

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The reading expresses the praises and worship rendered to the risen Christ, worthy of the Lamb of God. As such, the Blessedness is for him and all those who give a living testimony or in the public to stand with Jesus.  

The book of Revelation (the Apocalypse), presents John’s vision of the Risen Lord as the glorified “Lamb of God,” enthroned in Heaven. The whole of Revelation is an expression of Christian hope in the Risen Lord.


In the gospel of today of John 21: 1-19, the frustrated community of the apostles and disciples headed by Peter returned to their old way of living or profession. Their faith and hope in the Messiah are ditched. Everything seems to be a total failure until the presence of the risen Christ changed their story of failure to success.

This living presence enriches their communal life through a shared breakfast prepared by the Lord himself. Finally, Jesus’ dialogue with Peter, restores him to grace, peace and friendship without any allusion to his past.

In other words, Jesus’ encounter with Peter in the gospel is a faith experience of the Risen Lord, working through his imperfections, weaknesses and negativities to bring about healing, restoration and affirmation.

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Jesus demanded love while peter could only ¨like or care¨ for him. Understandingly, Jesus came to Peter´s level or capacity to ¨like¨ or ¨care¨ for him more to love him.

1. Personal, familial, ecclesial or pastoral and communitarian successes are due to the divine interventions or presence of the Risen and Victorious Christ.

2. God is sensitive to our plights, pains and frustrations and He always relieves us of a heavy burden.

3. It is Christ himself who prepares and invites us to the Eucharistic meal where we are nourished and strengthened to bear witness to Him.

4. Christ understands our capacity to love and be committed to God. He never goes beyond our limits and strength.


Lord Jesus Christ, you are Risen Lord of glory, power, might, honour, wisdom, and riches for all ages. Open our eyes, ears and hearts to see, hear and experience the Risen Lord coming to our life in various forms, circumstances and events. May we learn to stand for you despite all challenges, odds and frustrations than to fall for men, women and the world. Amen

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