true, religion, liberation,
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This is an irrefutable statement any form of true religion liberates us from the shackles of enslavement not to only sin but to persons and things. This is what makes Christ different from other religious leaders. His life, deeds and teachings have one principal motive to direct men and women to God freely them from all internal or external enslavement.



Hence! What a bombshell, the readings of today are directed towards religious leaders of today who used the Church, the people of God and the Christian faith for their selfish gain with a doubled standard lifestyle to the Gospel of Christ.  


The first reading today is from the Book of the Prophet Malachi 1:14-2:2, 8-10. The Lord called to question our priestly image as pastors of souls, families and institutions with a strong warning: O priests, this commandment is for you: If you do not listen, if you do not lay it to heart, to give glory to my name, says the Lord of hosts, I will send a curse upon you and of your blessing I will make a curse.

Malachi 2 2


St. Paul in the second reading is from the First Letter to the Thessalonians 2:7-9, 13 invited us to see leadership as being gentle, caring and sacrificing towards others. In other words, a religious leader must be determined to share the Gospel of Christ and himself in self-donation without reservation.

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The context of this scripture passage is also about Paul’s defence of his teaching and personality against the malicious twisting of the people who consider him to be a mad person or a criminal on the run.  On this, it is quite obvious that the Christian standards are not the same as the world standards. Very often men and women who follow them with a single mind and a burning enthusiasm are seen as people of their heads.


The Gospel today is from the Gospel of Saint Matthew 23:1-12, Jesus tolling to the tune of Prophet Malachi criticising our leadership role as models and exemplary lifestyle as men and women of authority especially within the confines of religious life. He challenged us to our privileged position as a medium to serve and not be ruthless lords and out-lawlessness twisting the rules to our favor.


The gospel text challenges us on so many tendencies we see manifested in the lives of religious authorities: priests and pastors.

1.      Insofar as their divine teaching are anchored on the eternal truth or principle of faith namely love and respect for God and others they should be listened to.

2.      If their lifestyle is not exemplary with their teaching of divine truth, then they should not be imitated as true pastors or priests of souls.

Matthew 23 28 You Are Full Of Hypocrisy brown

3.      It cautioned us to be aware of the “priestacrafting” nature of fake or manipulated religion where all attention is directed on themselves and not on God.

4.      Any form of religion that burdens its adherents is not a true religion. True religion liberates us from the clutches of hypocrisy, abuse and enslavement to the law, persons and things.

5.      Any religion which produces ostentation in action and pride in the heart is a false religion.


1)     We need to become servant leaders in a serving Christian community.

2)     Hence, the leaders should have a spirit of humble service in thought, word and deed.

3)     We need to live the Faith we profess. Religious people are all too often like the Pharisees and scribes, laying heavy loads on other people’s shoulders without lifting a finger to help them.    

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4)     The only way for us to practice our Faith is to build a human community of love and justice.

5)     We need to learn the art of self-examination and accept the responsibilities which go with our titles.  

6)      Let us remember that our titles should remind us of our specific responsibilities in society and our obligation to discharge them faithfully.

7)     Externalities or show-offs of pieties, charities and talents are not the spirit or spirituality of Christ.


In summary, there is no room for clericalism in Christian life leading and living a deceptive life or being scandalous to others. As such, priestcraft or clericalism is not but external dress and acts in such a way as to draw attention.

And that is a religious sickness of many pastors or priests. Honestly, a true priest or pastor leads to people to God and not himself. While a fake pastor or priest makes the people depend on him.


The first Christian book of order is called The Didache, The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, and in it, there are some illuminating instructions. “Let every apostle that cometh unto you be rived as the Lord. And he shall stay one day and, if need be, the next also, but if he stays three days he is a false prophet.

And when the apostle goeth forth, let him take nothing save tread, till he reach his lodging. But if he asks for money, he is a false prophet.” “No prophet that ordereth a table in the Spirit tall at of it, else he is a false prophet.” “If he that cometh a passer-by, succour him as far as you can. But he shall not abide with you longer than two or three days unless there be necessity.

But if he is minded to settle among you and be a craftsman, let him work and eat. But if he has no trade, according to your understanding, provide that he shall not live idle among you, being a Christian. But if he will not do this, he is a Christmonger: of such men beware.”

“(Didache, chapters 11 and 12). The date of The Didache is about A.D. 100. Even the Early Church knew the perennial problem of those who traded on charity.

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 Lord Jesus Christ, may your word resound always and everywhere in our mind, especially in the moments of pride and holier-than-thou attitude that: ¨The greatest among you must be your servant¨.  Help us, that our way of living out the word of God will draw others to God and may we always seek to serve one another, not dominate, control, manipulate or exploit one another. In the name of God. Amen.

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