BE A TRUE Christian.
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Being a Christian is not a matter of good disposition or intention to do good. It is not about answering the name Christian. Neither, it is about going to church, belonging to a pious society or organization, or even to the priestly or religious bodies. It is not an identification of wearing societal or organizational memberships or uniforms. As well, it is with a priestly collar or religious habit. Of course, the hood does not make a monk as the saying goes. Equally, being a Christian is not have theological or biblical knowledge of God. Who, then is a Christian?


To be a true Christian implies living out in concrete actions the profession or confession of faith. It is in leading an exemplary life.  It is by popular datum, “action speaks louder than the word”. Here, there a clue from Jesus’ life of teaching, preaching and lifestyle. Where his love words translate concretely into lived action of love on the cross. This is fleshed out in the parable of the two sons, neither of whom does what he says he will do. Doing good actions is better than speaking fine words.


The readings of this Sunday present us with an invitation to be a true Christian life in God. That is, taking advantage of God’s mercy and turning around our lives from wicked paths. We are also confronted with the incomprehensible way of God´s mercy and generosity of grace to the repented sinner. At the same time, they call us to the imitation of Christ´s perfect humility. The pathway to Christian giving to God and others. They also challenge or warn us to be careful in our Christian living. Christianity is not by name or in beautiful expressions of words and intentions. It is living out the Word or Will of God. 


It is like a continuation of the last Sunday first reading from prophet Isaiah. Where God makes us understand his thoughts and his ways are far away from our thoughts and ways like the heavens form the earth. Today, through Prophet Ezekiel, God straights up the record of his injustice in forgiving the sinner who repents. And his justice with the righteous person who deviates from the right path to sin.

The eternal truth is that God deals justly with us. He always forgives the sinner who repents and rewards those who persevere in good deeds.

Psalm 24 invites us to an enlightened prayer to understand God´s mercy and way. “Remember your mercies, O Lord, make me know your ways. Lord, teach me your paths, Make me walk in your truth, and teach me: for you are God, my saviour.


In St. Paul´s hymn of Christ humility, of selfless giving or emptying to death through the cross. He calls and challenges us to the imitation of Christ as the perfect example or model for Christian humility. To be a true Christian means to be humble as Christ Jesus. This is because it is a humble Christian who admits to God´s will and purpose. It takes humility to be self-effacing. It is through humility that one can admit to one´s faults. The repentance of a Christian depends on his or her humility to ask forgiveness from God or others.  It also takes humility for a Christian to be flexible and docile to God´s will or word.



·        First and foremost, this parable of Jesus in today´s gospel was in the context of Jesus speaking with the religious leaders of his time in the temple of Jerusalem.

·        It is a parable of a prophecy of indictment against religious hypocrisy and lips or eyes services to God.

·        Jesus was very direct or in modern language confrontational when the truth is spoken.  He did not miss words to tell them the bitter truth about external religiosity with no internal or inner transformation. 


·        In the parable, there are two sons of a vine owner. One who was not afraid to say no or to disobey his father. Then, on a second thought have a change of heart or mind. That is repent and does the father´s will.

·        While the second son who was afraid to say no or disobey publicly. He pays lips service to obedience. He gladly said yes but his action does not follow his word.

·        The meaning of this parable is crystal clear. The Jewish leaders are the people who said they would obey God and then did not.

·        The sinners: tax collectors and the prostitutes are those who said that they would go their own way and then took God’s way.


·        The parable presents two kinds of people. Two Christian attitudes to God´s will.

·        The people-pleaser who does not know how to say no but wordy agrees to everything with no commitment. Those people whose profession of faith is much better than their practice.

·         The one who disagrees to agree out of a change of heart and conviction. Those whose faith practice is far better than their profession.

·        Two Christians, the lips or eyes service Christian with only beautiful words and no action. And the conscious-minded Christian who is flexible or docile to doing the will of God even with some hesitation in the beginning. First, there are people whose profession is much better than their practice.


·        Jesus like John the Baptist is calling the religious leaders to repentance but they adamant to God´s mercy and grace. While sinners, tax collectors, and prostitutes are heading to this calling.

·        In other words, many sinful people like tax collectors and prostitutes are open to the message of John the Baptist, of Jesus Christ, and the gospel to change their lives for good. While those whom one will expect because of their knowledge of the law and scripture will recognize and respect the prophet of God like John and Jesus. The religious leaders would not listen to the message of God or turn away from the sins.


The main focus of this gospel is the call to repentance, mercy, and grace with a humble heart or mind. A true Christian lives in constant repentance and flexibility to the grace and will of God. They are humble in heart and spirit to be self-effacing. As well as admit to faults and ask forgiveness of God and others. 


Lord Jesus Christ, it is better to be hesitant in doing God´s will and later repent to do it. Than to put up sanctimonious piety or faith of externality with wordiness and no concrete action to do God´s will. Help us to be conscious that faith actions speak louder than wordiness of faith and to be true Christians to our life in Christ, the church and outside the church. Amen



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